One Exponential Story
God's Story
“Human beings only understand their lives in the context of story.” Andrew Lester
Your Story
Our Story
“There is one body, but many parts.” The Apostle Paul
Our Values
Brandon & Jenn Shupp
Lead Pastors
Brandon & Jenn have been married for over 20 years. They have two great boys, Grant & Jackson. Brandon grew up here in the Springs and they met in college and married shortly after.
Their story is perhaps like yours. It includes beauty and passion, as well as brokenness, loss and pain. Their story, at its core, is a human story. But it is not only a human story. It’s a God story. A crazy, spirit-infused, only-the-creator-of-the-universe-could-do-that, kind of story.

Open the Next Chapter of Your Spiritual Journey

Ready to go deeper in your journey of faith and community? StoryChurch is more than a congregation; we’re a family committed to living out Authentic Community, Vibrant Spirituality, and Life-Giving Culture. Sign up for SCNEXT and discover how your unique gifts and story can make a transformative impact. Don’t just attend—belong and serve in a way only you can.