Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

At STORYCHUCH we believe in the value of ALL people, including and especially our kids. There is no age requirement to know Jesus and to make him known. In fact, “childlike faith” is spoken of as an example and something to which we should all strive.
God is repeatedly referred to as Father and we are repeatedly referred to as His children. Kids are important, valuable, and we view them as full-value participants in the Kingdom of God. “Your story matters” doesn’t just apply to adults.
With that in mind, our team works diligently to provide an environment that is safe, clean, engaging, fun for kids of all ages. Each week your kids will come to know more about Jesus and His story, as well as seeing how their story fits into the big story that God is telling everyone.
We believe that you’re never too young or too to know, follow, or serve Jesus. And we believe that little kids can have BIG faith. So we create space for them to know Jesus, grow in their faith, and serve others.
In addition to providing life-giving lesson from the Bible each week, we strive to facilitate the best and safest space for your children .
- Please keep your children at home if you or they exhibit any symptoms, especially fever, coughing, runny nose, or other cold/flu like symptoms.
- We clean and sanitize all surfaces within the children’s department between each class, including but not limited to tables, chairs, toys, materials, utensils, etc.
- Only single serve snacks will be provided(when appropriate)