Fall 2024 Groups
We believe that people gather around a message and connect with one another in circles and rows. In a church service, we often (but not always) sit in rows, focused on the message or the worship, we are together, but our connection is shoulder-to-shoulder more than it’s face to face. We need that, it’s important, we believe in the power of gathering around the single purpose of worshiping God in song, study, prayer, giving, and community. But we also know that people connect well with one another in circles, face to face, doing life with one another. So we’re a church with circles and rows. They’re both important. Below is a list of our current group offerings…
Groups meet at various times in various places. Some are associated with Community Nights and some are offsite in homes and out in the community.
Wednesday Nights
Community Nights Wednesday, 6:30-8pm at the Church
Description: Potluck @ 6:30, short time of Worship & Prayer, then break out into Bible Study, Women’s Group, and Students. (see below for more info on individual groups)
Prayer & Practicality Coed Bible Study
Leader(s): Danny Davis
Description: Every Wednesday at 6:30pm (during Community Night) we will lean into the Bible and prayer to learn how to develop our PMA: Personal Missional Approach. Email Danny for more information.
Childcare available(0-10)
Women’s Group – Grounded in Jesus
Leader(s): Lisa Sheldon & Jonie Miller
Description: Wednesday @ 6:30pm (during Community Night) Ladies, we’ll dig in together on the study Grounded in Jesus to grow and develop as women of God. Email Lisa or Jonie for more information
Childcare available(0-10)
Student Ministry
Leader(s): Nathaniel Hawkins & Dee Exum
Description: Wednesday @ 6:30pm (during Community Night) Middle & High School students gather for teaching, activities, fun, and friendship. Email Nathaniel or Dee for more information.
Men’s Group – Clean
Leader(s): Nathaniel Hawkins
Description: We’ll be exploring sexual purity in the context of men’s lives. We meet every Friday morning at 6:30am at the church. Email Nathaniel for more information.
No Childcare
Marriage Group
Leader(s): Lawrence & Nicole Martin
Description: 2nd & 4th Friday each month 6:30-8pm we will meet in the Martin’s home and dig in on practical biblical strategies to deepen and grow our marital relationships. Email Lawrence or Nicole for more information.
Kids welcome
Coed Bible Study
Leader(s): Brad Knierim & Pat Sykes
Description: Every other Friday at 6pm at the Syke’s home. Email Brad or Pat for more information
No Childcare
Story Young Adults
Leader(s): Caleb Knierim & Cody McCarty
Description: We’ll be meeting every Friday @6pm and alternate between a study and an activity. We’ll eat, play, learn, and grow together while building community. Email Caleb or Cody for more information.
No Childcare
Women’s Group – The Strong Woman
Leader(s): Liz Sovis & Ginger Gustafson
Description: 1st & 3rd Saturday each month 10am -11:30am. Ahead of each session we will listen to “The Strong Woman” podcast and then discuss our learning and insights together in a relaxed environment. Email Liz or Ginger for more information.
Meeting location: Villas in Southgate, Santa Maria Bldg – 405 E St Elmo 80905
*only park in visitor parking to avoid towing
No Childcare
Easy Scenic Hikes for Women
Leader(s): Mayme Shroyer
Description: We meet on various times and days throughout the month, we’ll be exploring low impact and beautiful hikes together and building friendship as we go. A sampling of hikes we’ll do together include: Foothills Trail, Siamese Twins Trail, Lower Columbine Trail, Greenway Trail, Sandcastle Trail and Palmer Trail. Email Mayme for more details.
No Childcare
Holy Shoot Shooting Coed Group
Leader(s): Dee Exum
Description: 1st & 3rd Saturday each month at 1pm at Magnum Shooting south. Email Dee for more information.
No Childcare
Prayer Group
Leader(s): Shaunte Sjoden & Danny Davis
Description: Group for continued prayer support in the church as well as specific prayer focused events on 9/14 from 11- 12 @ Church, 10/6 Prayer walking neighborhood after church, 10/19 11am-1:30pm prayer training @ Church, 12/15 Neighborhood prayer walk after church. Email Shaunte or Danny for more information
No Childcare
Family Lunch
Leader(s): Cody McCarty & Jess Moebs
Description: 2nd Sunday every other month, group lunch after church. Reservations required, restaurant TBD. email Jess or Cody for more information.
Kids welcome
1st 3 Sundays each month 9-9:45am Discover more about the story of the church, your story & how you’re wired and how to connect further. Click here for more info and to sign up
Young At Heart Senior Group
Leader(s): Danny Davis
Description: Once a month at the church. Email Danny for more information
No Childcare
Bible Study
Financial Health
Recovery from hurts, habits, and hangups is huge part of who we are as a church. You can find some form of recovery group taking place nearly every day of the week in our space.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 12pm
“Last Bottom”
Narcotics Anonymous, 7pm
CMA Recovery Group 12pm
Alcoholics Anonymous, 12pm
12×12 Study Action
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7pm
Alcoholics Anonymous, 12pm
Men’sAlcoholics Anonymous, 7pm
CMA Recovery Group 12pm
“Clean Air” AA Group – 7pm
More Than A Meal – 9am (clothing & breakfast)
“We’re only as sick as our secrets”
We also coordinate the majority of our outreaches through StoryGroups. We believe that reaching out into areas of our own passion and influence is an important part of group life.
Bringing hope in the power of relationships
We always open God’s word together and study His character
Prayer is the greatest thing we can do with and for one another
Next Steps
Pointing people to their own next steps including reaching out to others beyond our comfort, but within our reach.
In other words, we all have reach, we all have influence, we all have something we know and can offer to others, but it’s not always comfortable to offer that, but that’s exactly what we’re called to do as part of sharing our stories with others and being the key that unlocks hope for someone else.